Most church members miss one of the greatest stewardship opportunities of their lifetimes, not to mention the thousands of dollars they lose by not investigating the charitable giving opportunities they could incorporate into the sale of their real estate.

For most, the missed opportunity results from lack of awareness about the potential tax benefits in giving all or a portion of the appreciated real estate they desire to sale. Depending on the circumstances, such a combination of giving and/or giving and selling could be a win-win for the seller and the church.

I recommend you never sell any of your real estate without at least investigating the charitable giving opportunities available to you, because once you sell there are fewer and less tax-advantaged charitable options available.

One popular option is using the gift portion of the real estate to fund a charitable trust that would provide you and other family members with income until the last one dies at which time the remaining trust assets will benefit the church and other organizations of your choosing.

Regardless of the type of real estate God has entrusted to you, it may hold great potential both for you and for His Kingdom’s purposes.

© 2024 Westport Road Baptist Church

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