Leaving a legacy doesn’t just happen. You’ve built it moment by moment. A lifetime of wisdom and love is instilled in your families–both biological and your church family. Our church shares this heart, and together we are passionate about extending this Christ-like love and wisdom to our community and around the world. Your legacy gift will help Westport Road Baptist Church reach people near and far to help them experience God’s love and become true followers of Christ Jesus! We would love to welcome you to the Legacy Community. When you leave a legacy gift to one of WRBC’s Endowment Funds, you are generously saying “yes” to the next generation of our church family and to the commitment of the message of sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ to the community. Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:6-8

What Is A Legacy Gift?

A legacy gift to one of WRBC’s Endowment Funds creates a lasting impact for our church. A variety of options are available.


Honor a loved one or celebrate a special occasion


An IRA or qualified retirement plan, such as a 401(k) or 403(b) may be gifted if you do not expect to use all of your retirement plan assets during your lifetime.


This is one of the easiest gifts to make. As you create or update your will, trust, or beneficiary designations on your life insurance, retirement accounts, or your will, you can specify that a portion goes to one of WRBC’s Endowment Funds.


Many people have a heart to give to ministry, but they need income today. With a Charitable Gift Annuity, you can leave a gift to ministry while ensuring that you have the income you need for the rest of your life. A Charitable Gift Annuity offered by the Kentucky Baptist Foundation (KBF) is an agreement between you and the KBF under which in exchange for your gift to the KBF of cash or appreciated securities with a value of at least $5,000, the KBF agrees to pay you a fixed amount for the rest of your life. The rate depends upon your age. The older you are, the higher the rate.


This is a planned giving vehicle that could be used to pay a fixed amount of income each year to one of WRBC’s Endowment Funds.

More Giving Articles

Most church members miss one of the greatest stewardship opportunities of their lifetimes, not to…

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Please contact Kentucky Baptist Foundation trust counsel Austin Wilkerson for more information. The cost of your consultation has been paid already by the church’s giving through the Cooperative Program of the Kentucky Baptist Convention.

Your consultation will be completely private and confidential.

Contact Info

Austin Wilkerson



TEXT “Legacy” to 502.233.4101